QA › Biology

Biology answers to 194 questions

Answer: D. Schleiden and Schwann The widely known cell theory was developed by two scientists; Theodore Schwann and Matthias Jakob Schleiden. “The cell is the most basic unit of life” is the second item in the cell theory. This explains…
The five strength training principles are: Overload Recovery Specificity Reversibility Periodization In overload, extreme ascending amounts of stress are placed on the body. This infliction causes a form of strain on the muscles, leading to adaptations and then improving fitness…
Answer: A. prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase Microscopic organisms are capable of growing via cell replication. When a single-celled organism divides and in the process produces identical daughter cells, it is called mitosis. Mitosis is very essential for growth and also…
Answer: A. Plants fix carbon and release oxygen, and animals release carbon and use oxygen. The carbon cycle describes just how carbon is circulated in various forms through nature. As a constituent of all organic compounds, carbon is found and…
Answer: B. intercalted discs Intercalated discs are structural formations located just between the myocardial cells of the heart. They help in bonding cardiac muscle cells together and also for transmitting sensory signals between cells. These structures are required for a…
The organ responsible for storing and compacting waste before elimination is the rectum. The rectum is the end point of the large intestine and it acts as a temporary storage for feces. All of the contents of the rectum are…
Answer: C. Vacuoles are larger in plant cells than in animal cells. Vacuoles are organelles found in cells of plants and fungi. It is also found in some cells of bacteria, protists, and animals. In plant and fungal cells, vacuoles…
Answer: D. all eukaryotic cells Cellular respiration and photosynthesis are two similar cellular processes and at the same time, very opposite. While photosynthesis works by utilizing carbon dioxide and water and converting it into glucose, cellular respiration works by breaking…
Answer: D. Too much calcium Too much calcium will lead to weakened muscle and low functionality of the kidney. While calcium is very important in bone strengthening and also for a healthy lifestyle, it becomes detrimental if taken in very…
When cells are duplicated, there is transfer of DNA or genetic information from the parent cell to the daughter cells. So for this transfer to be made possible and to ensure equal transfer of this genetic information to the daughter…
Answer: B. 5-10 minutes Bacteria are very tiny micro-organisms capable of splitting and multiplying at a very fast rate. Bacteria are known to double every four to five minutes. A single-celled bacteria cell can become two million in only a…
Eukaryotes are organisms whose cells contain a clearly defined nucleus. Unlike prokaryotes, eukaryotes do not contain primitive organelles. Instead, membrane-bound well defined organelles are found in a eukaryotic cell. A typical eukaryotic cell is larger than that of a prokaryote.…
Answer: A. The sum of all genetic traits in a population’s individuals at a given time A gene pool is a collection of a variety of genes in an interbreeding population. A gene pool means the sum of a population’s…
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants and other autotrophs use sunlight to produce food from carbon dioxide and water. In other words, during photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is taken in by plants and through a series of reactions of this…
Answer: C. Is the maintenance of relatively stable internal environment. Homeostasis is the ability of cells, tissues, and organs to maintain, regulate, and ensure stability of the body system while adapting to certain conditions to ensure survival. It is the…
Answer: C. the relative contributions of genes and environment in a population Studying close relatives makes it easier for behavioral geneticists to single out the contributions of environment and genes in a population. Due to differences in genetic factors, differences…
Answer: D. the brain contains more blood. Alcohol is quick to find its way to the brain because the brain contains more blood. The brain gets a rich supply of blood and because alcohol enters the bloodstream which in turn,…
Answer: D. Wernicke's area Portions of the midbrain called the red nucleus and the substantia nigra are involved in the control of some body movement, and contain a large number of dopamine-producing neurons. The degeneration of neurons in the substantia…
Answer: D. Increased illnesses that result in a decrease in population A decrease in air quality becomes very detrimental to health and as such can lead to a decrease in population. Poor air quality is capable of irritating the eyes,…
Answer: A. genetic drift Genetic drift is a mechanism of evolution. Random irregularities and fluctuations in allele frequency from one generation to another generation as a result of chanced events describe the entire concept of Genetic drift. Genetic drifts can…
Answer: C. Hospitalizations Adequate food safety practices will lead to fewer hospitalizations. Food safety is a scientific method of handling, preparing, and storage of food in ways that prevent food-borne diseases. In considering market-to-consumer practices, the usual thought is that…
Answer: D. decrease in employee turnover Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is very important as it prioritizes and controls potential hazards in food. HACCP is a system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of…
Answer: B. Blast chiller Vehicles of contamination facilitate the movement of microorganisms from one medium to another. Blast chillers are not vehicles of contamination because they are used to freeze food at a very fast rate. At this extremely low…
Earthworms have a hydroskeleton, birds have an endoskeleton and spiders have an exoskeleton. These are the three unique types of skeletal systems. This system is very important because it supports the body, safeguards the internal organs, and abets the mobility…
If ground beef is used to prepare a casserole, it must be cooked to at least 155F to prevent cross-contamination. This is because the casserole would be susceptible to pathogenic organisms like e-coli. These pathogens cannot be tasted, smelled, or…
Answer: D. Critical Control Poings Indeed, Critical Control Points are the items of food handling most likely to be vulnerable to hazard. Food handling involves the preparation, transfer, storage, packaging, sale, service or delivery of food. These are the critical…
A male offspring is formed from the joining of a haploid X chromosome and a haploid Y chromosome (XY). Since the egg gamete only ever has X chromosomes then the sperm gamete that fertilizes the egg must carry a Y…
Answer: A. Chemical energy can be stored more efficiently as glucose than it can be as ATP. Chemical energy is formed or produced during the course of a chemical reaction or process. Glucose is the body's way of storing chemical…
C. helps to increase muscular strength and endurance. Weight training is specially designed for those who wish to build strength and endurance in their muscles and is a part of many fitness programs. Programs that build cardiorespiratory capacity and endurance…
Answer: B. unconsciousness and inability to remember what happened. Rohypnol, also known as roofie or the date-rape drug is a type of depressant that brings about unconsciousness and an inability to remember what happened, so option B is the correct…