Geography – Blog Just another WordPress site Thu, 25 Nov 2021 10:07:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Indian subcontinent was partitioned into _____. Thu, 25 Nov 2021 10:07:29 +0000 Answer: B. India and Pakistan

The Partition of India refers to the division of British India into India and Pakistan. This partitioning caused a severe refugee crisis as well as large-scale violence. The Partition of British India into these two countries is known as the “Mountbatten Plan.” The partition happened on the 15th of August, 1947. After the partition, many Muslim Indian families began migrating to Pakistan.

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Which of the following adaptations enables deciduous trees to produce more food? Thu, 25 Nov 2021 10:06:24 +0000 Answer: C. leaf loss

One biome which exhibits four distinct seasons is the deciduous forests. Leaves are known to be the main producing organs of food in plants. Leaves are where many metabolic functions like respiration take place. Deciduous trees are known to possess broad leaves and during fall, these leaves tend to fall off.

This falling of leaves during autumn is important as it helps the tree in regulating soil moisture and temperature levels as well as in the addition of nutrients in the soil. During the winter months, the trees shed their leaves so as not to lose moisture from the surrounding ground now littered by leaves. These fallen leaves will in turn decompose and then add nutrients to the soil. With this more food is produced by the plant even during the toughest seasons.

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An important environmental debate in the United States in 1900 was: Thu, 25 Nov 2021 09:53:59 +0000 Answer: A. Whether to use wilderness resources.

The use of wilderness resources in the United States was a widely debated topic in 1900. Areas referred to as wildernesses are places where nature is reserved to exist freely. These are places where evolutionary forces are allowed to function without any form of human impact. Wildernesses are often underdeveloped with protected spaces and defined boundaries. Generally, the use of wilderness resources is very restricted unless for reasons considered extremely important.

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Which type of mining is likely the least harmful to the environment? Thu, 25 Nov 2021 09:19:56 +0000 Answer: C. Subsurface mining

Subsurface mining is likely to be the least harmful to the environment. It is the extraction of minerals from below the surface without the mine being too noticeable on the surface. It is used in mining minerals like zinc, gold, nickel, diamonds, etc. Digging tunnels into the earth to create a path to reach mineral deposits in the ground is a typical procedure for subsurface mining.

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Cooler, older, oceanic lithosphere sink into the mantle at: Thu, 25 Nov 2021 08:34:07 +0000 Answer: C. subduction zones along convergent plate boundaries

The oceanic lithosphere sinks into the mantle at the subduction zones. The geological process which involves the recycling of the oceanic lithosphere into the Earth’s mantle mainly at convergent boundaries is referred to as subduction. With this, the subduction zone, therefore, is just where the cold oceanic lithosphere of the Earth sinks into the mantle to be recycled. Subduction zones are found at convergent plate boundaries; location of the converging of the oceanic lithosphere and the less dense lithosphere of two different plates.

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Which of the following climates is most suited for physical weathering? Thu, 18 Nov 2021 10:36:51 +0000 Answer: C. Cool

In physical weathering, rocks are weathered or broken apart without any form of chemical intervention. In other words, their chemical composition is not changed. It is also referred to as mechanical weathering. Physical weathering occurs frequently in cold climate regions.

This is so because the repeated freezing and melting of water in the small cracks and crevices in the surface of the rock will lead to the repeated expansion and contraction of the rock. Expansion of the small cracks causes pressure on the surrounding rock by making the cracks wider. This in turn causes the weakening of the rock and then weathering.

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Which of the following statements describes rill erosion? Thu, 18 Nov 2021 10:33:30 +0000 Answer: B. Running water cuts small channels into a slope.

In rill erosion, the soil is removed by the concentrated flow of water. In this form of erosion, water forms very small channels throughout the soil as it flows and is transported. In rill erosion, the soil is weathered, transported, and deposited as a result of the intensive action of running water through a series of tiny head cuts and streamlets. Rill erosion is triggered by poorly saturated soils, high rainfall intensity, steep slopes, and the nature of the soil itself.

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Which of the following helps determine past climate on the basis of tree rings? Fri, 05 Nov 2021 09:54:36 +0000 Answer: B. dendrochronology

Dendrochronology is the scientific process of dating growth rings to the exact period they were formed to get information on the age of the tree as well as the previous climate of the area. The branch of dendrochronology however that deals with climatology is referred to as dendroclimatology. Using growth rings, scientists have been able to estimate a variety of local climates for thousands of years previous. As a result of the high sensitivity of growth rings to different climate effects, this makes dendroclimatology effective.

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Streams erode downward until they reach ________. Fri, 05 Nov 2021 09:25:21 +0000 Answer: A. their base level

The base level is the lowest level in which running water can flow and is capable of eroding. The base level of a stream is the point where the running water has less velocity, which leads to decreased speed for the running water and reduced or zero erosion. A typical example of a base level is a lake into which a stream flows. The velocity of the running water from the stream reduces greatly as it comes in contact with a bigger water body.

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In what country would one be able to see a fjord? Thu, 28 Oct 2021 10:56:23 +0000 Answer: A. Argentina

A fjord can be described as a long and narrow inlet with cliffs created by glacier action. In the Argentine island of Isla de los Estados is located Argentina’s only fjord. A glacier cutting through a U-shaped valley by the segregation of ice and the abrasion of the bedrock surrounding will eventually lead to the formation of a fjord. The work of the glacier then leaves an over deepened U-shaped valley with abrupt ends terminating at a valley. These valleys become flooded by the ocean and this leads to the formation of a fjord.

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What is a structure built parallel to the shore that shields the coast from breaking waves? Thu, 28 Oct 2021 10:53:46 +0000 Answer: B. Seawall

Seawalls are parallel structures built to prohibit upland erosion and fast flooding. They are designed on a very massive scale using concrete structures placed along a vast stretch of shoreline especially at urban beaches. It prevents passive and active erosion, but is also known according to research to be the cause of loss of ecosystem services as well as the loss of habitat and the drastic reduction in biodiversity. Natural beaches are in other words, better in conservation of the ecosystem when compared to seawall-impacted beaches.

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Any fracture or system of fractures along which Earth moves is known as a: Thu, 28 Oct 2021 10:47:27 +0000 Answer: B. Fault

A gently curved or planar fracture found in the rocks of the earth’s crust is a fault. In simpler terms, a fault is a fracture or a zone of fractures found between two blocks which permits relative movement of the blocks. During an earthquake, the rock located on one side of the fault slips against the other and this causes the repeated displacements over a period of time.

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Which of the following definitions best characterizes foraging? Thu, 28 Oct 2021 10:44:41 +0000 Answer: B. Living off the land without modifying it.

Foraging is the gathering and collection of wild food for free. As a result of the rapid urbanization and industrialization of the earth today, foraging has become an act rather than a way of life like our distant ancestors. In foraging, resources can be gathered from the land without modifying the land. The group size and population density of foragers are quite low in order not to surpass the capacity of the environment. Also, foragers tend to live in wild lands but not permanently. With this, the land is conserved without modifications.

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Why do earthquakes often happen near volcanic regions? Thu, 28 Oct 2021 10:43:32 +0000 Answer: B. Both are caused by subduction zones.

In a subduction process, there is a recycling of the oceanic lithosphere into the earth’s mantle. This occurs in the subduction zone and is known to have led to the creation of most of the earth’s continental subduction zones are found in volcanic regions. In subduction regions, earthquakes are very recurrent and the fluids that leaves the subducting plate triggers volcanism in the overriding plate. Some examples of volcanoes found above subduction zones are Mount Fuji and Mount St. Helens. The deepest quakes on earth are found in subduction zones and they tend to be very anomalous.

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What aspect of plate tectonics is least understood and requires further research? Thu, 28 Oct 2021 10:40:33 +0000 Answer: C. What types of earthquakes to expect in association with the different plate boundaries.

The most difficult aspect of plate tectonics that requires further research is the part that involves determining the exact type of earthquake one should expect relative to the different plate boundaries. Plate tectonics is easily understood by understanding the four types of boundaries existing between tectonic plates. These plates are defined by their movement; convergent, divergent boundaries, plate boundary, and transform fault boundaries. When earthquakes occur, understanding just how the plates move has been a major challenge scientists struggled with for years. The theory of continental drift however brought about modern studies of plate tectonics. Determining the type of earthquake has become less stressful but still requires further research when dealing with them.

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Saltwater coastal lakes connected to the open sea by shallow, restricted outlets are called: Thu, 28 Oct 2021 10:38:34 +0000 Answer: D. Lagoons

Lagoons are very shallow water bodies separated from the sea mainly by barrier islands, coral reefs, or sandbars. This water bodies are sometimes regarded as estuaries and bays. Lagoons have in them some degree of salinity and this differentiates them a little from freshwater. Lagoons occur in so many parts of the world as they are very common coastal features.

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Which of the following best facilitates the building of ports? Thu, 28 Oct 2021 10:28:21 +0000 Answer: A. Bays

A body of water surrounded partially by land is a bay and it is usually smaller than a gulf. In the history of human settlement, bays are very significant as they helped in providing a safe place for fishing and the development of sea trade which later led to the creation of ports. Ports are built locations known to be geographically favorable and bays are always located in the most favorable locations. Generally, bays helped in the formation and development of sea trade as a result of the safe anchorage they provided.

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In which of the following situations is salinity highest? Thu, 28 Oct 2021 10:26:58 +0000 Answer: C. Evaporation exceeds precipitation.

Evaporation is the change from liquid to gas and gradually becomes less as a result of the movement of the gaseous particles to the atmosphere. Precipitation on the other hand means to rain. With this, when evaporation exceeds precipitation, it leads to higher levels of salinity as the water being evaporated goes to the atmosphere thereby increasing the concentration of the salt in the water left on the ground as the salt does not go to the atmosphere with the water. With this, excess water leaves the salt and this makes the water remaining much more saline.

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Which river crosses the equator twice? Fri, 22 Oct 2021 12:52:48 +0000 Answer: B.Congo

The Congo River crosses the equator twice. Formerly known as the Zaire River, it is the second-largest river in the world by discharge volume after the Amazon. After the Nile, it is also the second-longest river in Africa. It is the deepest recorded river in the world as well, reaching depths of 720 ft.

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Which of the following is a renewable resource? Fri, 22 Oct 2021 11:08:29 +0000 Answer: C. Wind

Renewable resources are natural resources capable of replenishing and replacing the portion depleted by consumption either through natural reproduction or some other recurring processes carried out in a finite amount of time. Some examples of renewable resources are hydropower, wind energy, solar energy, geothermal power, and biomass. Biomass is organic material gotten from plants and animals like sewage, wood, and ethanol. These energy sources can never be depleted and as such, are able to supply a continuous and consistent source of clean energy.

Non-renewable resources, on the other hand, are not capable of replenishing and replacing any portion consumed in a finite amount of time. In other words, non-renewable resources cannot be gotten back once consumed and even if they are replaced eventually, it will take an extremely long period of time to happen. While renewable resources are very safe and less costly, non-renewable resources are generally hazardous to the earth, very costly, and difficult to maintain.

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What is the value of a transitional fossil? Thu, 14 Oct 2021 12:57:28 +0000 Answer: A.Transitional forms show the evolutionary steps between species.

Fossils are dead remains. Organisms leave imprints upon death and these imprints are preserved in sedimentary rock. A transitional fossil, however, is any fossil of a life form capable of exhibiting common traits between an ancestral group as well as its derived descendant group. These fossils are important as a result of their ability to demonstrate the evolutionary changes occurring between organisms. This can help in displaying seemingly intermediate traits between a common ancestor and all of its descendants.

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Which statement regarding the June solstice is true? Fri, 01 Oct 2021 09:15:21 +0000 C. The northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun.

The Earth orbits the sun at an angle. With this, the northern hemisphere is a little bit tilted towards the sun. This is the June solstice, also known as the summer solstice. There are two solstices in a year; one during summer (June solstice or summer solstice), and one during the winter (December solstice or winter solstice) where the sun is tilted away from the sun.

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Differentiate between population density and population distribution. Fri, 01 Oct 2021 08:44:59 +0000 Population density is the number of people living per square kilometer in an area. Population distribution on the other hand is the measure of just how much people are spread in a particular area. When referring to the way a selected population is dispersed in a particular geographical area, population distribution comes into play while population density is more about the number of people per unit area. More people tend to live in urban areas than in rural areas. For example, the population of the Yukon-Koyukuk census area in central Alaska stands at just 5,377, a very low value when compared to New York’s 8.419 million. The former has an area of 145,505 square miles while that of the latter is 302. 6 square miles. With this, New York has a larger population density than Yukon-Koyukuk and there is more distribution of people in New York than in Yukon-Koyukuk.

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Which type of pollution includes CFCs and smog? Fri, 01 Oct 2021 08:22:13 +0000 Answer: A. Air

Chloro-Floro-Carbon (CFC) emission and smog are examples of air pollution because these pollutants are in gaseous forms and can only be spread that way. CFCs are produced as waste from cars and other industrial machines. Typically, all machines that utilize the use of petrol chemicals to operate produce CFCs as a waste product. CFCs are very harmful gases and are capable of depleting the ozone layer if its disposal isn’t controlled.

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Which statement is true about conservation versus preservation? Thu, 23 Sep 2021 09:44:04 +0000 Answer: A. Conservation favors hunters.

Conservation can simply be defined as the controlled use of resources under the guidance of physical laws. Preservation on the other hand is the act of keeping safe, i.e., leaving something in its original state without any form of altering. In recent years, maintaining the entire state of the environmental system has become very important all over the world which is why the concept of conservation and preservation have been adapted as ways of ensuring this feat. With this, the correct answer is A because conservation still allows the intervention of humans as long as it is done subtly and is “replaced” or “repaired” later.

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Which statement best describes how globalization is affecting the world? Thu, 23 Sep 2021 09:08:25 +0000 Answer: B. The world is becoming more globalized and connected.

Globalization refers to the growing relationship between cultures, economies, and populations of the world caused by increase in cross-border trade in goods and services, communication, investment flow, and technology. Due to the emergence of modern and more innovative means of transportation and communication, the world is becoming more connected and unified. With globalization, all countries of the world tend to act like they are part of a single market. Products like Coca-Cola are now found everywhere in the world due to excellent forms of transportation and communication. With this, the world is identified as a single entity rather than divided.

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Which of the following statements about Nepal is true? Sat, 28 Aug 2021 13:57:38 +0000 Answer: C. The country’s official policy emphasizes “gross national happiness.”

Nepal is a country in Southeast Asia and has a variety of acceptable and practiced religions, however, the most common religion amongst people of Nepal is Hinduism.

Although the country has enjoyed years of peaceful relations with Britain, it is not recognized as a Muslim country.

In Nepal, Maoist guerrillas are known to often terrorize the urban areas, killing several people, and causing other forms of disruptions.

The official policy of Nepal does not emphasize “gross national happiness”, rather it is to enhance the dignity of the country through diplomacy, as well as taking steps to ensure the overall prosperity and wellbeing of the country.

Nepal gained its status of independence in the eyes of Britain in the year 1923 and later went on to become a democracy in the year 2008, on the 28th of May. This proves option D wrong.

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Earthquakes are especially associated with _____ boundaries. Sat, 28 Aug 2021 13:46:57 +0000 Answer: C. transform

Tectonic earthquakes are caused by faults, where the hanging wall collapses. It is usually caused when the earth’s crust breaks apart, and two plates in motion slide against each other. The kind of earthquakes formed are usually low-focused, but they occur frequently enough.

Divergent boundaries involve plates separating, convergent boundaries involve plates moving in the same direction until they collide.

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True or False: Soil composition and horizons vary depending on climate. Sat, 28 Aug 2021 12:53:48 +0000 Answer: True

The answer is true. Climate plays a vital role in determining the composition and horizon of any type of soil.

There are five factors that determine how soil is formed, and they are climate, the parent material of the soil, the biological features of the soil, the topography, and time.

Soil horizons are layers of the soil that are distinct from other layers of the same soil, both in the physical and the chemical composition of the soil. They can be divided into three: the surface, subsoil, and substratum horizons.

They both contribute greatly to determining soil composition.

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Which of the following is a possible application for discoveries made during ocean exploration? Sat, 28 Aug 2021 12:40:27 +0000 Answer: D. all of the above

Ocean exploration is the process of venturing into the ocean, to make discoveries and uncover unusual or unexpected results, for possible applications in day-to-day activities.

The oceans on earth are a hotpot of every kind of thing imaginable, and things not yet discovered, so during ocean exploration, it is inevitable that a lot of valuable and useful things will turn up. Amongst these discoveries, there are diverse materials that can be applied in various fields and areas, amongst which are food, medicine, commercial products, and so on.


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