Philosophy – Blog Just another WordPress site Thu, 25 Nov 2021 10:08:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Which of the following is the best definition of a paradox? Thu, 25 Nov 2021 10:08:52 +0000 Answer: C. The pairing of opposites.

Any statement that contradicts itself is a paradox. An example of a paradox is the statement “dreaming is waking.” This statement is self-contradictory but in a way, tends to make sense and is considered true. In other words, a paradox can be defined as a statement involving the pairing of opposites.

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Abraham Maslow suggested that those who fulfill their potential have satisfied the need for: Thu, 25 Nov 2021 08:31:23 +0000 Answer: C. self-actualization.

Abraham Maslow formulated the Hierarchy of Needs. This theory describes the hierarchical structure of human needs. Some needs are considered basic to all humans while others aren’t. These needs are placed in a pyramid and at the bottom of the pyramid, is food, which is considered a basic need for human survival.

At the peak of the hierarchy is self-actualization. Self-actualization according to Maslow simply refers to an individual achieving his/her goals or full potential. Maslow, together with other humanistic theorists, self-actualization is a by-product of the positive aspects of human nature. Self-actualization is achieved by only a small percentage of people.

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The term realism refers to: Thu, 18 Nov 2021 09:43:49 +0000 Answer: C. describing things just as they are.

In realism, the perception of things is just as they are. Situations are seen, accepted, and dealt with just as they are without any form of emotional influence. A realist, therefore, will not stay hopeful or optimistic about something that will clearly fail or turn out bad.

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In which spiritual concept do most Hindus believe? Fri, 12 Nov 2021 15:22:52 +0000 Answer: C. Reincarnation

The Hindus believe in the immortality of the soul and that it passes on to another plane of existence in the form of another body after death. They believe that the conditions in which an individual is born is as a result of the conduct of the individual in his/her previous life. According to the Hindus, life on earth is undesirable and so as not to return to this plane, the individual must live by some customs. Hinduism is one of the largest religions on earth and is predominantly practiced in India.

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Which statement would a humanist most likely agree with? Fri, 12 Nov 2021 14:54:30 +0000 Answer: C. You only get one life so make sure it s a good and happy one.

A humanist is a person who practices humanism. Humanity is a philosophy that prioritizes the importance of human factors rather than spiritual, religious, or divine matters. In humanism, humans living personally fulfilling lives and at the same time, contributing positively to the good of all people is considered the most important factor to life. Human dignity and values are stressed and problems are resolved using simple reasoning and science.

With this, a humanist will most likely make the statement in option C as it depicts the general principle and beliefs of humanism. Humanism is considered a good form of philosophy and is known to have impacted the world positively as it offers an entirely new approach to understanding human motivations and behaviors as well as psychotherapeutic approaches.

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Which statement describes Max Weber’s theory about power? Fri, 05 Nov 2021 08:41:27 +0000 Answer: D. Power is held by bureaucrats and administrators.

According to Max Weber, power is the ability of a person to exercise his/her will over that of others. Max Weber believed that real power comes with the achievement of certain goals even when other people oppose those goals. Every society today is built on some form of power and this power resides typically within the government. Some governments however exercise this power with some kind of force which makes it illegitimate. In modern society, the power described by Max Weber is often exercised by administrators and bureaucrats. Power exists in social groups, personal relationships, and in institutions like the government.

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How does Emerson relate independence and friendships in Society and Solitude? Fri, 01 Oct 2021 08:59:40 +0000 Answer: C. He feels that independence can strengthen friendships.

According to Emerson, humans need the company of others (society) and isolation (solitude) to live happy and healthy lives. While both are very important in creating a well coordinated society, neither of them is better than the other. Both must therefore have a balance and an excess in one will not create a perfect result.

This balance also defines the concept of independence and friendship as well. In other words, independence, other than being compatible with friendship, can help strengthen them as well. While being alone can lead to loneliness sometimes, a little independence has proven to be a good thing. There is a big difference between being lonely and being alone and a little independence by choice will not make you lonely. Being alone gives room to focus on your personal interests.

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Define sociocentrism. Provide examples Mon, 07 Jun 2021 08:16:37 +0000 Sociocentrism is a philosophical concept that arose as a result of the global civilization development. In this concept, the priority belongs to the community in the relationship between the individual and culture. This idea is a societal strategy applied when the social dimension of an individual occurs and is seen as the epitome of social principles. With sociocentrism, individuals can see the arrogant side of modernity concerning the increasing autonomy of a man about laws and the constraints of nature.

A typical example of a sociocentrism standpoint is Marxist teaching. According to Marx, a person can only comprehend another through society and history. He believed that humans are what history makes them and not their biological make-up. This is also seen with the Confucian philosophy that stresses the need to respect elders and rulers while keeping the stipulated commandments in order to shun inconsistency, immorality and confusion.

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Who is known as the father of political science? Tue, 25 May 2021 21:03:30 +0000 Aristotle is referred to as the father of political science. Not only was he the first person to give a valid definition of political science, but he was the pioneering figure behind what is now called “literature review”.

He rigorously analyzed the different aspects of politics from a philosophical point of view and collected comprehensive data on the different political regimes -both past and present. This set the basis for literature review as it is known today.

The rigorous method Aristotle used in analyzing the tenets of politics in the olden days is what has given rise to how politics is analyzed in our world today.

Some aspects of politics Aristotle emphasized were the social structure of a state, education, the different forms of government, the attainment of Utopia (an Ideal state), etc. He insisted that these were topics everyone needed to know about in order to understand politics.

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