QAPhysics › The total number of bonding electrons in a molecule of formaldehyde (h2co) is

The total number of bonding electrons in a molecule of formaldehyde (h2co) is


It’s 8.

Let’s break it down.

Let’s count the number of electrons in the H2CO molecule:

H=1, but 2(1) =2

C = 4

= 6

Total = 12

Let’s get the diagram with carbon in the middle, bonded to H, H, and O. We will arrive at something with a t-shape:



We’ve used 6 electrons so far (we have 3 bonds). We will subtract these 6 electrons from the total number of the electron we arrived at. Therefore, 12-6 = 6.

Finishing the carbon quartet, we see carbon has 3 bonds and a pair of electrons, that is,

6-2 =4

Putting the 4 electrons around O will actually put 6 electrons on O (4 in lone pairs, 2 in bonds)

We will have a double bond between O and C:


has two pairs of lone electrons, that is 4. We have 2 bonds to O and 2 bonds to H, making it 4.

2(4) =8

Answer = Carbon uses 8 electrons to bond.

3 years ago