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English answers to 37 questions

Answer: B. The effects of cyanide are well known. “The effects of cyanide are well known” is a sentence written in a passive voice. A passive voice is a form or a collection of verbs where the subject present in…
Answer: C. Descriptive and narrative. Narrative and descriptive essays are essays most likely to be written in the first-person point of view. This is so because they are written out of the experience by the author. In writing a narrative…
Answer: D. An opinion favoring one viewpoint. The term “bias” simply means an opinion, prejudice, or inclination favoring one person or in support of a person or group. Any opinion considered as bias is generally known to be unfair as…
Answer: C. If you ask me, there's no hobby like fishing. “If you ask me, there’s no hobby like fishing” uses the homophone “hobby” correctly. The homophone for “hobby” is “hubby” which is an informal form of “husband.” All other…
Answer: A. onomatopoeia The word “fizz” is an example of onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia is a word that resembles the sound it makes. We tend to hear those sounds instead of the actual word when we read. Some examples of onomatopoeia include…
Answer: E. A series of steps A procedural text is a list of sequences of actions needed to do something. In order words, it instructs your audience on just how a specific task can be completed. An example of a…
Answer: D. As a result, we bought a cooler and made sandwiches for our trip back home. A subordinating connection is any word or phrase used to link an independent clause to a dependent clause. In the English language, the…
Answer: B. Revise writing to omit needless words. In The Elements of Style, one of the many recommendations is the avoidance of needless words. Being able to separate useful words from needless ones is very important in the writing process.…
Answer: C. “to get out of a situation.” Generally, the prefix “ex” signifies negation or exclusion. More precisely, the prefix “ex” can mean “out of,” “not,” or “without.” With this, “ex” implies not being identified by a former title anymore.…
Answer: C. "If you are sitting in the gallery you will have a clear view of the stage as it projects out from the far side of the round enclosure." In option C, the thing being described is less abstract.…
Answer: A. River birch and upland beech In consonance, there is a repetition of consonant sounds within a sentence. The phrase “River birch and upland beech” is an example of consonance. When this phrase is listened to carefully, the “r”…
Answer: D. Sleep. Words with the word root dorm will always have a meaning related to inactiveness and sleep. This is so because dorm is a Latin word meaning asleep, dormant, inactive, not growing, etc. this makes more sense when…
Answer: A. not personal In English, the prefix “im” means “not”. The correct answer, therefore, is not personal. The prefix “im” is generally used for negation so, when “im'' is added to a word, the word changes in meaning to…
Answer: A. Around the World on Foot: The Autobiography of a Traveler The book “Around the World on Foot: The Autobiography of a Traveller” would most likely be written in first person. A first-person book is a book which involves…
Answer: C. Compare two unlike things. Both metaphor and simile are figures of speech used solely for comparison. Both of these figures of speech are often confused as a result of their similar use. While simile uses the words “like”…
Answer: B. luc, lum Luc/lum means light in Latin. This can be seen in words like lucent, illuminate, luminary, lucifugal, luculent, lumen, luminescent, luster, luciform, elucidative, circumlucid, lucid, translucent, luminary, etc. All of these words refer to light and are…
Answer: B. monarchy The word “arch” comes from the Greek word “archos” with the meaning “chief, leader, or ruler.” Words like hierarchy, archbishop, patriarchy, monarchy, etc. all contain the word “arch” and are therefore talking about a ruler or leader…
Answer: A. social commentary. Sojourner Truth, born as Isabella Baumfree, was a women’s right activist as well as a renowned abolitionist. She was born into slavery in Swartekill (present day Rifton), New York. Truth became a Methodist and made her…
Answer: D. structure The building blocks/structure of every poem determines how the reader perceives it and this perception is greatly influenced by the poem's rhyme scheme. Rhyme schemes are simply patterns of rhyme concluding every line or stanza of a…
Answer: A. Mention skills that were omitted during the interview The first paragraph should contain any skills that were omitted during the job interview. The second paragraph should contain a restatement or reinforcement of your interest and why you are…
Answer: C. Intonation When a speaker is talking, the rise and fall of their tone of voice show what they are thinking, or what they hope to portray to the listener: if the speaker is angry, confused, or trying to…
Answer: A. write whatever thoughts come to mind. Freewriting is the process of writing for a set period of time, without any thought or considerations for grammatical rules, concepts, or specific patterns. It usually contains grammatically incorrect sentences, so option…
Answer: C. figurative language In poetry, the content takes up a large part of how a piece turns out and is thus very important. An equally important element is the figurative language used. It is what the poet uses to…
Answer: D. narrative point of view. The first, second, or third person style of writing is used when an author is describing their points of view during narration. It has nothing to do with the literary perspective, as that is…
Answer: C. Where the item can be found within the library A call number shares similar functions with an address. The call number is used to determine the location of individual books in a library. While there are different methods…
D. Who is telling the story? An author must understand that a narrative point of view can only come about when the narrator becomes the character of the story who also knows how the character feels. The narrator must be…
Answer A. details. The most obvious difference between a complete piece of writing and an outline is the details. An outline is just the summary of the content i.e., the summary of the article, or the speech. Whereas, a finished…
Answer - A, purpose. During the prewriting stage, an author will determine the purpose. This includes knowing what you are writing about and what you are writing about the specifics. When you think about writing a book, the first thing…
The founder and president of RealWorld University, Joe Martin gave a speech during the NACADA 2005 National Conference. His speech was about serving other people in which he gave four questions that can help people reflect on their current situation.…
A voice quality symbol, also known as Grapheme is a symbol used to show sounds or speech. A grapheme is simply a symbol that represents a sound of speech and also a unit of an alphabet. A Grapheme classifies what…