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Answer: A. U.S. Sailors had been briefly arrested. Explanation: In an incident known as the "Dolphin incident", the U.S. President, Wilson, claimed that the Victoriano Huerta led administration allowed the arrest of some U.S. sailors while they were on an…
Answer: C. Immigration Act. Explanation: The Great Society program was created to mitigate the problems of racial injustice and poverty. During this time, projects were centered around providing good education, transportation, medical services, etc. The Immigration Act was enacted in…
Answer: B. Vitamin C. Explanation: vitamins in our diet are classified into two groups: fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), and water soluble vitamins (B and C). Fat soluble vitamins dissolve in fat and are transferred for storage.…
Answer: b. Genomic library. Explanation: A genomic library is a combination of cloned fragments of DNA, which serve as representatives for the entirety of the genome of a particular entity. In simpler terms, the genomic library serves as a collection…
Answer: C. Cornea. Explanation: In the human eye, most refraction occurs when light passes through the cornea, as the cornea is the first medium through which light travels before it travels further into the eye. The cornea is the curved,…
Answer: 2. CaO (s) + CO2 (g) → CaCO3 (s) and 4. PbCO3 (s) → PbO (s) + CO2 (g) In (2), limestone is decomposed under heating to give rise to quicklime and CO2, while (4), is the thermal decomposition…
Irrespective of its state, blood is referred to as a connective tissue because it has qualities of connective tissues. For example, blood comprises cells, a non-fluid matrix (plasma), and fibers -three basic properties of connective tissues. Also, like connective tissues,…
Axons are nerve fibers that are long and slender and are projected from a nerve cell, and function as conductors of impulses outwards from the cell body to a synapse. Dendrites are slender projections of nerve cells that function as…
Kinetics refers to the science of deciphering the reason behind the types of motion, while kinematics refers to the science of understanding and explaining how objects move, with respect to, acceleration, position, etc. In kinetics, the cause of motion is…
Muscle cells have a large number of mitochondria cells. The reason for this is that muscle cells demand a very high amount of energy to support the movement, exercise, and other metabolic processes. To meet up this demand, the mitochondria…
Answer: 5. Aluminum. Explanation: The ionization energy of an atom is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from a mole of atoms while in the gas phase. The second ionization energy is the energy required to remove a second electron, to…
Even though acids and bases are fundamentally different in nature, there are some similarities between them. For example, both acids and bases cause a chemical reaction when applied to litmus paper -acid changes blue litmus paper to red, while bases…
Answer: A. Periods. Explanation: The periodic table is divided into rows and columns. The rows run across the table from one end to the other and are called periods. The columns run from the top of the periodic table to…
Answer: D. Conservation of energy. Explanation: The first law of thermodynamics states that energy (matter) can neither be created nor destroyed, but can be converted from one form to another. This means that regardless of the physical or chemical processes…
Answer: C. Tertiary structure. Explanation: The overall three-dimensional folded structure of a polypeptide is referred to as the tertiary structure. The structure is due to the relationship between the R-groups of the amino acids that constitute the building blocks of…
Answer: C. The phosphate portions attract water, and the lipid portions repel water. Explanation: Every phospholipid molecule has two elements: the head (or the phosphate group), and two tails (two chains of fatty acids that lie side by side). The…
Answer: B. Phosphorus is not abundant in the atmosphere, it comes mostly from the land and ocean. Explanation: The phosphorus cycle differs from other cycles because it does not particularly cycle through the atmosphere, unlike carbon. The phosphorus that exists…
Answer: D. Energy. Explanation: Unlike carbon, nitrogen, water, and phosphorus which can be converted and recycled as it moves from one level of an ecosystem's food chain to another, energy can only be transferred from one form to another, but…
Answer: B. More shared expenses. Explanation: In nuclear families consisting of both parental figures, there is a system where the expenses are shared between both parents. Both parents can provide financial support to run the household and raise the children…
A real gas behaves like an ideal gas when there's an increase in temperature with a decrease in pressure. At this point, there is a reduction in the intermolecular collision, resulting in a reduction in the potential energy of the…
Answer: C. The temperature of the gas. Explanation: The average molecular kinetic energy of a gas is directly proportional to the temperature of the medium containing the gas. As the temperature of the gas increases, the molecules of the gas…
Answer: C. Proterozoic, Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic Explanation: The Proterozoic era refers to the first era when there was a buildup of oxygen in the atmosphere, as well as the emergence of multicellular organisms at the most primitive level. Only after…
Metals are good conductors of electricity because of the kind of bond that exists between their molecules. The molecules of metals are held together by a metallic bonding. As such, the atoms of metals are encased by a horde of…
Answer: A. From the south pole to its north pole. Explanation: When referring to the direction of a magnetic field, it is assumed towards the north pole as recorded by the compass needle. By convection, therefore, the field lines begin…
Although both words are often used interchangeably in physics, there are a number of differences between them. Pressure is used when referring to the amount of force that is applied to a given area as regards the surface area of…
Answer: A. The S-phase. Explanation: In the S-phase, the replication of DNA occurs, and this is carried out by the DNA polymerase. During the G-phase, the cell produces new proteins as it continues to grow. At the end of this…
Answer: Nil Explanation: The skeleton is the body's support system of bones, and it has six primary functions in the body. One of the most important functions of the skeletal system is to manufacture blood cells in the bone marrow.…
Answer: C. Alleles. Explanation: Alleles are one or more alternative forms of a particular genetic material that are usually present in a specific position on a chromosome. Hybrids are organisms formed from the cross-breeding of organisms within or outside the…
Typically, there are two types: type A and type B. An individual is born with either, both, or none of the blood groups. If the man has Blood types A or O on either chromosome and the woman has Blood…
A wetland is an area of land that has most of its area covered by water, some of the areas being soggy and/ or marshy. In wetlands, like in other ecosystems, there is a well-defined food chain, which comprises the…