QA › Biology

Biology answers to 194 questions

Answer: Depressant. Alcohol is considered a depressant because it suppresses the functions of the central nervous system. Generally, depressants are pharmacological substances that aim at significantly decreasing neural or physiological activity. When it is first consumed, alcohol acts as a…
Answer: B. Preparatory stage, play stage, game stage, generalized other stage In development, Mead believed that everyone goes through the preparatory stage (where children develop intuition by copying the actions of those around them), the play stage (where the children…
The phylogenetic tree is a diagram portraying multiple branches to show the relationships between organisms of the same species or other species, all of which are dependent on the differences and similarities in their phenotypical or inherited traits. It is…
Answer D is correct here. Biogeographic isolation defines the separation of two different populations drawn from the same species as a result of physical factors. This could lead to evolution where groups adapt to new conditions that could dramatically be…
The answer is B. A fossil record is the record of the occurrence and evolution of living things via geological time as concluded from fossils. Through the study of fossils, scientists learn about various organisms and how they have changed…
Damage to the frontal lobes of the brain is a likely result of the chronic use of alcohol – choice D. The excessive use of alcohol is connected to various health concerns. Some may be less harmful and managed through…
Spectroscopy is defined as the study and exploration of the electromagnetic spectrum of light. It’s has everything to do with studying the various frequencies that come with electromagnetic radiation. Various electromagnetic waves wavelengths have different colours. Some of the colours…
Running after the dog while shouting its name is least effective in retrieving a dog who has managed to slip off its leash – choice D. well, a dog off-leash can be hard to retrieve if you don’t do the…
An open area without woods and buildings is termed as a field. This is an open and spacious area devoid of anything other than the underlying ground cover. Basically, fields don’t have huge objects interfering with people’s movement in them.…
False – toxins from pathogenic bacteria cannot be destroyed by subjecting them to cooking or freezing. Pathogenic bacteria are responsible for the cause of diseases in humans. They are usually found in common food products such as eggs, meat and…
In his experiments revolving around genetics and heredity, Gregor Mendel chose peas for so many reasons. They include: they were self-pollinating. they had phenotypic traits that were easy to differentiate. i.e. their physical traits were easy to recognize and sort…
The Green Revolution was initiated with the intention of ensuring food security around the globe. Advantages: more plants lead to a reduction in greenhouse gases. farmers are assured of higher plant yield. it ensures the continuous production of food crops…
An amoeba obtains its food by fusing with the food particle along its path. How they do this is by creating two branch-like protrusions of the part of their unicellular matter that is closest to the food particle. This branch…
The end products of photosynthesis are oxygen and glucose. Some carbohydrates are also produced -particularly sucrose and starch. Photosynthesis is the process by which autotrophic plants manufacture their own food through the use of sunlight. In photosynthesis, plants absorb sunlight…
Prokaryotic cells are cells that have organelles that lack membranes and have nucleoids instead of nuclei. Prokaryotic cells are much smaller than eukaryotic cells. They may exist in several different shapes like rods, spheres, coccus, spirochetes, etc. Generally, prokaryotic cells…
Answer: C The palatine bone forms the hard palate. The cranial bones include the frontal (forehead bone), the temporal bone (the sides and base of the skull), the parietal bone (both sides of the skull), the ethmoid bone (between the…
One difference in the DNA replication of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is that while the DNA of eukaryotic cells is contained in the cell's nucleus, the DNA of prokaryotic cells is contained in the cell's cytoplasmic matter. In eukaryotic cells,…
Cells are referred to as the building blocks of an organism because they are the basic, structural, and functional unit of life, from which whole organisms develop. Except for simple unicellular organisms, all existing cells of multicellular organisms stem from…
In predation, an organism that is higher on the food chain feeds on an organism from a lower level on the food chain. Parasitism occurs irrespective of their levels on the food chain. Predation takes place between the predator and…
A seed is a part of a plant that is formed from fertilized plant ovules. Seeds contain all the information needed for them to grow into a new plant. Some parts are common to every seed, no matter the type…
Difference in the complexity of unicellular and multicellular organisms. Unicellular organisms lack specialized cells, while the cells of multicellular organisms can specialize and function independently Unicellular organisms can survive independently when removed from colonies. Due to their complexity and specialization…
The nitrogen-containing base that is present in DNA but not in RNA is thymine. The bases present in DNA are adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). In RNA, however, the nitrogen bases are adenine (A), guanine (G),…
During resistance training, you should move – two seconds per lift and slowly lower (Choice B). People take part in resistance building to build muscles and to learn to disregard fatigue. This can be achieved through a slow and accurate…
The mitochondria is also referred to as the powerhouse of the cell. Plant cells need the mitochondria because it is the organelle that is responsible for the conversion of food molecules to useable protein. The mitochondria also carries the genetic…
Replication is semiconservative because it entails the formation of a new, perfect DNA strand from the parent DNA strand and a newly synthesized strand. The newly synthesized strand is known as the template strand. It carries current information that allows…
Oxygen moves through the cell membrane through a process called diffusion. Diffusion can be described as the molecules movement from a higher concentration region to a region of lower concentration. This means that oxygen will move from outside the cell…
Integral proteins make up about 70% of the entire proteins found in cells. They are found in the phospholipid layer that surrounds every cell. Integral proteins are harder to separate from the bilayer because they bind themselves to the phospholipid…
Merocrine glands secrete hormones into the bloodstream without causing any harm to their secreting cells. Merocrine glands release hormones with the protoplasm (cell contents minus the nucleus, some cytoplasm, and some organelles). For example, the palm. Apocrine glands are glands…
Polymers (biopolymers and synthetic polymers) consist of the chain of macromolecules, composed of the monomers interlinked with each other. On the other hand, lipids can be defined as a chain of carbohydrates which are chemically bonded by dehydration.So, lipids are…
Chronically ill persons might oftentimes take a lot of medications and in some cases could cause unpleasant reactions. Some symptoms may be misdiagnosed as relating to alcohol intoxication leading to incorrect treatment. To prevent such scenarios, medical alert bracelets are…