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The aspect of life that would most likely be impacted by the absence of George Westinghouse's invention is the distribution of electricity. George Westinghouse was an American inventor who died March 12, 1914. He was the first to adopt the…
Such cells where the lysosome bursts, will die and here is how it occurs. Lysosomes are tiny bags covered in membrane and they are found in the nucleus of a cell. On the inside, lysosomes carry powerful digestive enzymes with…
The first step should be writing out a balanced equation. To do that, you should remember that ethanol is a hydrocarbon derivative and burns the same ways as hydrocarbons yielding H20 and CO2 as end products.  With that in mind,…
The three balances required in an accounting cycle include unadjusted, adjusted, and post-closing trial balances, in that order. The process of preparing complete financial statements starts with the culling of accounts and balances from the preparation of journal entries. They…
The port is what we call HDMI, that is, High- Definition Multimedia Interface in full. The HDMI is a computer port that can be used to communicate video and audio data from a source with HDMI to another. That is,…
Unlike the nominal GDP, economists calculate the real GDP of a country using the actual prices of commodities without considering inflation. However, when they calculate Nominal GDP, economists consider the output and prices of a country for a given year.…
The radius of the earth is the straight distance from the earth’s center to a point on its surface. This value is between 6,378 km, particularly around the equator and about 6,357 km at the poles. However, for purposes of uniformity and…
Contemporary capitalistic societies are founded on the social class system of stratification. This is the most open social stratification system that is defined as a social class categorizing people based on their economic abilities. This is what defines their status…
The freezing point of water is 0 Celsius (°C), which is considered to be 273 Kelvin (K). In scientific circles, room temperature ranges between 20°C and 25 °C, averaging about 23 °C. Therefore, room temperature in Kelvin can be adding 273…
Both viruses and cells have small structures that can only be seen through the eye of a microscope. Viruses are infectious agents that work as parasites and cause illnesses to their host. On the other hand, a cell is the…
The study of the mind and behaviour is a science that has grown over the years. This has been born out of continued study and research that has unearthed a broad array of topics. Psychology is one of the academic…
Combinations and permutation in mathematics are the various ways through which a set of items can be organized. Mathematicians have deduced that these number arrangements can be found using factorials. For example, an n number of items can be arranged…
The US Declaration of Independence is the statement that was made and adopted in 1776 by the meeting held by the Second Continental Congress in Pennsylvania. The pronouncement gave explanations why the thirteen colonies at that time, fighting Great Britain…
The cup is a volume measurement unit used in cooking. Therefore, it is mainly used in serving sizes and for cooking purposes. Traditionally in the US, it is something between 200 and 250ml and that can be said to be…
Equality in society from the eye of an economist refers to exercising fairness, especially on matters to do with the welfare of all. Typically, it is a situation where every member of a given society has the same amount of…
The production of antibodies is essential for the human body. This is done through white blood cells known as B cells commonly known as B lymphocytes. This is achieved as antigens attach themselves to the surface of a B-cell to…
The solar system comprises planets and other bodies. Jupiter is the largest planet of all that exist in the solar system hence the comparison with the sun. It is the fifth from the sun and quite massive reaching a size…
The romantic period is a vital pillar in the history of literature and contributed immensely to modern writing. Notable features during this period was the poetry done by the writers then. They were concerned with the beauty of nature and…
Shapes draw their names from their design, patterns and/or orientation. The number of sides in a 2D shape define the name of that shape. Most of these names are originally borrowed from other languages such as Latin and Greek into…
Democracy is heavily determined by the engagements that happen between political institutions and the impact created on the citizens. These interactions are critical for the success of democracy. As citizens interact inside and outside these political parties, they access unique…
Competition is healthy for markets. Sometimes the competition can be balanced and at times imbalanced due to various reasons. However, there are times when there is perfect competition and there are unique characteristics defining it. Perfect competition exists where many…
The moon has a lower gravitational pull than that of the earth. It is approximated that gravitational pull on the moon is 1/6th of the earth’s gravitational pull. In that case, people will weigh less on the moon, basically, 1/6th…
A year has 12 months and therefore, getting the number of years in from a given number of months means dividing the number of months by 12. In that case, (72 months)/12 months = 6 years
There are different income categories based on context. The case is different for the government that categorizes for taxation purposes. In that case, there will be taxable and non-taxable income. Entrepreneurs and other experts in business will talk of passive,…
Fluid ounces (oz) as used in the imperial measurement system in the United States is used to tell the volume of substances. Volume parameters in the metric system are measured using liters. 1 oz is equivalent to 0.02957352965 liter. Therefore,…
Constellations are beautiful sights to behold. These groups of stars form patterns that look like pictures. Orion is one such constellation among others like Leo the Lion and Taurus the Bull. Just like other constellations, Orion is a pattern that…
To solve this, we should know - An equilateral triangle has three equal sides: So, Sum of three sides is 51. 51/3 = 17
The solubility of Copper Sulphate will decrease. That’s why precipitate CuSO*5H2O  will be formed.
Solution: N2(g)+2O2(g)-->2NO2(g)   ?H°1=+66.4kJ 2NO2(g)-->  2NO(g)+O2(g)   ?H°2=+114.2kJ Add the rxns to get an answer: N2(g)+2O2(g)-->2NO2(g) ?H°1=+66.4kJ 2NO2(g)--> 2NO(g)+O2(g) ?H°2=+114.2kJ So the answer is N2(g) +  O2(g)  --> 2NO(g) 66.4kJ + 114.6 kJ = 181kJ.
F - false T - true a.It is an organic molecule. - T b.It contains thirteen different chemical elements. - F c.Its chemical formula can be written as C3H7NO2. -  depends on writing - T d.Each of the carbon atoms…