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Here's the solution: The rate of the reaction is R R = - 1/5 * (d*[Br2])/dt The average rate of consumption of bromine is 1.76 * 10-4 M/s, therefore, - d*[Br]/dt = 1.76 * 10-4 M/s The average rate of…
First, let's define the standard enthalpy values (H): 02(g) = 0 kj/mol CO2 (g) = -393.5 kj/mol H20(g) = -241.8 kj/mol According to the instructions, heat per mole produced (H) equals 5094 kj Therefore, -5094 kj is your H total.…
Here's your solution, integrated into the code: #include #include #include using namespace std; int main() { bool hasDigit; string passCode; hasDigit = false; passCode = "abc"; /* Your solution goes here */ if (isdigit( || isdigit( || isdigit( { hasDigit…
First of all, we need to find the average rate if disappearence for A, where the formula is -ΔC/Δt First rate (A) = -ΔC/Δt = - (0.430-0.720)/(196-0) = 1.48 * 10-3 mol/(L*s) Second rate (A) = -Δc/Δt = - (0.140-0.430)/(392-196)…
Here are the calculations: 16. 91% of 84% = 0.91 X 0.84 = 0.7644, (which equals 76.44%) 84 - 76.44 = 0.0756 This means that the probability of an incorrect conclusion equals 7.6% (nearest tenth)
Using the humanistic approach, Darren's behavior towards his schoolwork can be summed up thus: he perceived the lessons as too tasking to overcome, so he thought "why bother". His behavior reflects a feeling of disregard for his feelings, non-academic prowess,…
The industrial revolution was between the period of the late 1700s and the early 1800s. This revolution changed the structure of organizations and the types of jobs available at the time. It began in Great Britain and spread to all…
Not all plants can’t live in anoxic soil. Anoxic soil does not have the pockets of oxygen that plants need to survive. However, wetland plants have been able to live in anoxic soil. These plants adapt by getting their oxygen…
143 Views escape invading Lombards from the north. The invasion of the Lombards went unopposed till they conquered Italy. The Lombards crossed to the Julian Alps in the spring of 568. Their arrival in the Italian peninsula was in the late…
Utilitarianism is a form of the broader ethical theory of consequentialism. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that embodies morality. Right or wrong is determined by how much happiness or pleasure your actions bring to the people around you. If what…
5’ 10’ in inches is 70 inches! Normally, doctors and scientists do not measure height in inches and feet. Height is measured by these professionals in centimetres. If you know your height in feet and inches but need to provide…
All months have 28 days (and more) but only February is 28 days long in normal years and 29 days long in leap years. However, all twelve months in a year have up to 28 days. Others apart from February…
One dollar is equal to 100 pennies. Therefore, 1 million pennies converts to 10,000 dollars. However, why would you want to save pennies instead of dollars for ease of calculation? According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, the Pride of Lions…
Emperor Nero added singing to the Olympics events in 66 AD. According to history, Emperor Nero was not good at any athletic activity. However, he had the political power to do almost anything he liked. He first created Greek Games…
1000 ml makes a litre. ml, also written as mL stands for millilitres. It is one of the commonest standards of measurement in the metric system, along with the litre. One millilitre is only one-thousandth of a litre or a…
There are 4 quarts in a gallon of milk. Note that this measurement is the US standard. If you are using the UK and Imperial gallon, the number of quarts differs slightly. For the UK and Imperial gallon, the equivalent…
The best test of an economic theory is its ability to predict and reflect real-life societal occurrences, patterns, and changes. If the theory accurately predicts the economic behavior of the people in the society For instance, a theory might predict…
Some biologists have opined that the biological evolution of man can be traced from the four-legged ape to the present upright bipedal gait of humans. Giving this notion, there can be no anticipation of further evolutionary change since man is…
...the situation whereby the products that the society need are in less supply. when the demand for essential commodities is higher than the production of them, then there is scarcity. there are situations whereby unnecessary or frivolous products are in…
The Supreme Court has ruled that the large area of eastern Oklahoma belong to native Americans. The implications of this ruling will have effects on the sovereignty of native Americans. This ruling came about as a result of the case…
The three factors that can influence laboratory diagnostics include: What you drink or eat before the test The medicine you take before the test Your sex or age What you eat or drink can influence laboratory diagnostics. even the time…
Microbial growth is the rate at which the population of microbes grows. The growth rate can increase when the temperature, pH, and other factors for growth are in good condition. When the environment is conducive for growth, micro-organisms like bacteria,…
Information for making proteins is passed down from generation to generation through DNA. it involves an essential process that entails taking information from the DNA and passing it to the RNA and to proteins. this is one of the vital…
Photosynthesis is the process that does not release energy from glucose. Photosynthesis does not result in the breakdown of glucose. Rather, photosynthesis results in the creation of glucose. photosynthesis is the process whereby plants and organisms utilize the sunlight in…
43 Views trade with other nations, export the products that are locally produced and import the products that the society have a need for but does not produce. Trade leads to the specialization in the production of products that society has…
It's 8. Let’s break it down. Let's count the number of electrons in the H2CO molecule: H=1, but 2(1) =2 C = 4 = 6 Total = 12 Let's get the diagram with carbon in the middle, bonded to H,…
Cladistics, systematic, and taxonomy all play an inherent role in the taxonomic classification of organisms. Taxonomy is simply naming organisms and putting them into groups based on pre-set rules. Systematic on the other hand is the study of how closely…
To provide a better value for customers than competitors will. Many factors can help an organization establish a competitive advantage over its market competition. It may include Brand image recognitions, highly skilled labor, location, easy access to raw materials, e.t.c.…
To save the union. Abraham Lincoln was an abolitionist and many thoughts that he would make ending the slave trade his main goal. However, he made his primary goal very clear in his letter to Horace Greeley. Lincoln wrote, "I…
The two were both popular army generals. George Washington and Andrew Jackson were the first and seventh President of the United States respectively. Before becoming President, George fought and won the war for independence. Andrew Jackson fought various wars, with…